Mold Expert Phillip Fry Introduces New "2013 Mold Safe Business Building" Protocol To Prevent Toxic Mold

Mold expert Phillip Fry recommends that commercial building owners and managers should do frequent mold inspection and testing to prevent indoor mold growth and occupant health problems.
- Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) December 22, 2012 - Mold expert Phillip Fry has developed and introduced the new "2013 Mold Safe Business Building" mold prevention protocol and procedures to guide commercial building owners, managers, and employees in the prevention of health-threatening toxic mold problems.
Exposure to elevated levels of indoor toxic mold can seriously and permanently harm the health of managers, employees, and customers occupying or visiting business offices, workplaces, retail stores, factories, warehouses, and other business buildings in California, Arizona, Nevada, nationwide in the USA, and worldwide.
Owners, management, and workers in commercial buildings should make a 2013 New Year's Resolution to take the following twelve commercial building mold prevention steps:
1. Because mold requires moisture to grow, the most important toxic mold prevention step is to keep indoor humidity less than 60% year-round in all areas of workplaces and other commercial buildings, and to regularly inspect all around the building for evidence of roof leaks, plumbing leaks, basement and crawl space water problems, and flooding.
2. Use a strong flashlight and your sense of smell to inspect carefully for visible mold growth on, in, or above ceilings, walls, floors, heating and cooling ducts and registers, attic, basement and crawl space, and on, beneath, or behind furniture, equipment, and inventory of raw materials or finished products.
3. Test for elevated levels of airborne toxic mold spores early-on by mold testing indoor air in all rooms, basement, crawl space, and attic, plus the outward air flow from each heating and cooling duct register at least once or twice yearly with the mold testing services of a Certified Mold Inspector or Certified Environmental Hygienist or with the use of do-it-yourself mold test kits.
4. Watch for co-resident and co-worker toxic mold health symptoms such as: allergies, asthma, bleeding lungs, breathing difficulties, cancer, central nervous system problems, recurring colds, chronic coughing, coughing up blood, chronic dandruff problems that don't go away despite use of anti-dandruff shampoos, dermatitis and skin rashes, diarrhea, and
●Eye and vision problems, chronic, excessive, or continued fatigue and/or general malaise, chronic flu symptoms, hair loss, headaches, hemorrhagic pneumonitis, hives, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, irritability, itching of the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin, or any area, kidney failure, learning difficulties or mental functioning problems or personality changes, memory loss or memory difficulties, and
●Open skin sores and lacerations, peripheral nervous system effects, redness of the sclera (white of your eyes), runny nose (rhinitis) or thick, green slime coming out of nose (from sinus cavities), seizures, sinus congestion, sinus problems, and chronic sinusitis, skin redness, sleep disorders, sneezing fits, sore throat, tremors [shaking], verbal dysfunction (trouble in speaking), vertigo (feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, faintness, and unsteadiness), and vomiting.
5. Know and realize that employees differ significantly in their sensitivity and reaction to toxic mold exposure. Therefore, if only a few workers are experiencing one or more possible mold health symptoms, the workplace or commercial building might still need to be inspected and tested for mold for the health protection of the mold-sensitive persons, as well as for the others who may ultimately be harmed from time-cumulative toxic mold exposure. Even the smell of mold can make some workers sick.
6. There are no federal standards or recommendations, (e.g., OSHA, NIOSH, and EPA) for dangerous levels of airborne or visible concentrations of mold growth or mold spores in the workplace.
7. "All molds have the potential to cause health effects. Molds can produce allergens that can trigger allergic reactions or even asthma attacks in people allergic to mold. Others are known to produce potent toxins and/or irritants," according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.).
8. As to asthma, a health study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health links adult-onset asthma to workplace mold exposure. "The present (health study) results provide new evidence of the relation between workplace exposure to indoor molds and development of asthma in adulthood. Our findings suggest that indoor mold problems constitute an important occupational health hazard." The Finnish workplace mold study estimated that the percentage of adult-onset asthma attributable to workplace mold exposure to be 35%. (Reported in Environmental Health Perspectives, May, 2002)
9. What should employees do? "If you see or smell mold, or if you or others are experiencing mold-related symptoms, report it so the problem can be investigated. You may need to tell your employer, supervisor, health and safety officer, union representative, or school board. Find out whether co-workers are experiencing any [mold-related] symptoms," recommends the California Department of Health Services.
10. What should employers do? Follow the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Health Administration (OHSA) recommendation that the employer and the building owner should notify workers in the affected area(s) of the presence of mold in their workplace. Notification should include a description of the proposed remedial measures and a timetable for completion. Group meetings held before and after remediation with full disclosure of plans and results can be an effective communication mechanism.
11. Individuals with persistent health problems that might be related to mold exposure should be encouraged to visit their physicians for a referral to practitioners who are trained in occupational or environmental medicine or related specialties and are knowledgeable about medical mold diagnostic and treatment procedures.
12. If mold inspection and testing documents a mold health threat, the employer or building landlord should do safe and effective mold killing, mold removal, and mold remediation of all mold growths and of all airborne and surface-deposited mold spores. After the completion of mold remediation, the workplace needs to pass "clearance tests" to be safe for employees and customers.
For free answers to your commercial or workplace building mold questions, please email mold consultant Phillip Fry phil ( @ ) moldinspector dot com or phone Mr. Fry 1-480-217-7173. Effective techniques for commercial building mold inspection are explained in the website