Now Offers Consent Based Social Security Verifications to all Employers

Top Quote, a leading provider of applicant background screening services to employers, financial institutions and property managers, has added Consent Based Social Security Verifications "CBSV" to their arsenal of pre-employment screening tools. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) September 27, 2011 - The Consent Based Social Security Verifications (CBSV) program is not entirely new. It has existed in various forms of pilot programs since 2002, and has regularly been utilized in providing due diligence to financial institutions. Its increased relevance for pre-employment screening came into play in June of this year, when two important changes came about:

    1) The Social Security Administration dropped the price of accessing this data by a whopping 80%.
    2) The Social Security Administration changed their process of assigning new Social Security Numbers from a coded system, based on region, year, and group number to a randomized "lottery" system using a pool of all remaining numbers.

    This change reduced the effectiveness of "traditional Social Security Number Verifications" which reveal information such as, year and state of issuance, address history details and alias names. Traditional SSN Verifications are, and will continue to be, an important part of most background screening packages.

    Consent Based Social Security Verifications are unique in that they are the only way to directly access to the Social Security Administration's "Master Database". The CBSV service simply discloses a "Match / No Match" response to the users request based on the identifiers provided which include Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Social Security Number. While this may seem like very limited data, it is an essential time and money saver to employers who otherwise may hire a candidate with a false identity.

    For questions or pricing in regards to CBSV please email contact at or call 888.578.8600 x113. We're here to help!

    Please note: Recommendations in regards to F.C.R.A Compliance and industry best practices issued by Background Screening Consultants LLC (SafeScreener dot com) should not be regarded as or substituted for legal advice.

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