New AI Business Software Writes & Explains Like a Human Being

Top Quote Today, writing reports based on data analysis can take hundreds of hours of work in big corporations. Once that analysis is done, the actual report is based on old data that is worthless. Yseop Compose writes that analysis automatically, turning live data streams into written analysis in a split second. This saves companies money, but more importantly boosts performance. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) June 25, 2016 - NEW YORK - Thursday, Yseop, a global enterprise artificial intelligence company with an office in London, released its newest product called Yseop Compose, a self-service AI-powered expert system that automatically generates written analysis. Yseop Compose is the only expert system on the market that is able to explain trends in data, the causality behind changes in data, and what actions to take in response. The powerful AI system automates the generation of pre-sales reports, stock analysis, equity reports, suitability reports, and much more.

    "Yseop Compose is like Microsoft Excel. It's easy to use: you put in your best practices and it uses them to generate narratives, explanations, and advice. It's a game changer for the way businesses use data," said John Rauscher, CEO of Yseop. Today, writing reports and analysis can take hundreds of hours of work in big corporations. Once that analysis is done, the actual report is based on old data that is worthless.

    Yseop Compose writes that analysis automatically, saving companies money, but more importantly boosting performance and doing something that was impossible before the software: turning live data into written analysis in a split second. "Businesses have invested millions in speeding up real-time data transfers and collection of huge amounts of data, but what's the point if you can't turn that data into insight and analysis in real-time as well?" said Rauscher.

    "Yseop's mission is to democratize access to data and analysis so that anyone, no matter their background, can understand data in real time. Yseop Compose represents a sea-change for business intelligence, financial services, and the service sector in general. It's the next step in the automation of the service sector," said Rauscher. Yseop currently works with Fortune 1000 companies globally from its main offices in New York, London, Paris, and Sydney.

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