Justopenthebook.com Offering A Free Copy Of "The Christian Husband" To August Contest Winner

Newly registered subscribers have chance to win book From FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine.
- (1888PressRelease) August 23, 2010 - Justopenthebook.com is an online Christian ministry whose mission is to encourage others to develop a closer relationship with God by opening and studying His word. For the month of August, justopenthebook.com is offering a free copy of the book "The Christian Husband" by Bob Lepine, to the person who refers the most new subscribers to justopenthebook.com's weekly newsletter.
Anyone can enter the contest. Simply sign up to subscribe at www.justopenthebook.com/newsletter. Enter the person's name who referred you in the Comments box to get credit for your referral. Contest is open for all newly registered subscribers through August 31, 2010.
In "The Christian Husband", FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine takes men deeper into what it means to be a truly Christlike husband. Providing a clear explanation of the spiritual priorities for any godly husband, he supplies practical pointers for making real-life changes. Readers will learn exactly what God expects from them according to biblical principles-not cultural fads. Discover the advice and teachings offered by Bob Lepine and other men who are seeking to follow the divine call of God-to truly be a Christian husband and learn how to put it into practice.
Justopenthebook.com will contact the winning contest and ship their prize once the contest has closed. Look for more exciting contests each month at justopenthebook.com.