October 25, 2022 Latest News

  • Dr. Lutz awarded ASTRO Gold Medal
  • Radiance Therapeutics co-founder Dr. Wendell Lutz awarded society's most prestigious award. Dr. Lutz revolutionized the field of radiation oncology, leading with Dr. Ken Winston the invention of the linear accelerator (LINAC) based stereotactic radiosurgery system. Dr. Lutz will be honored by ASTRO during the Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony in San Antonio which will take place on October 25, 2022.
  • By Radiance Therapeutics
  • DecenterAds Attended DMEXCO 2022
  • Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference, or DMEXCO, is a leading digital marketing & tech event in Europe. This year, it was held on September 20 & 21 in Cologne, Germany. DecenterAds spent two insightful days at the conference.
  • By Decenterads