
Jan Michael Berkowitz Promotes Greener Living with Wind Power Technology

Top Quote Jan M Berkowitz, a leader in clean energy for over 25 years, offers design and implementation of new energy products. Jan Berkowitz provides knowledgeable and strategic insight into the clean energy market to a variety of companies. Jan Berkowitz understands that clean and renewable energy is important to both our environment and to a company's bottom line. End Quote
    Quote This will certainly help my clients implement greener practices. Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) January 06, 2011 - San Diego, CA - Long time clean energy leader, Jan Michael Berkowitz is expanded his green energy initiatives to include innovative wind power technologies. Jan Berkowitz has spent the last 25 years helping companies to adopt and implement green energy technology to help reduce companies carbon footprints as well as to increase their bottom line.

    The latest leaps in wind power technology have made it possible for Jan Michael Berkowitz to promote wind power as a valid source of energy to clients.

    Wind technology could be about to make an amazing design leap, barely a decade after the commercial industry's birth in the U.S. "These design leaps will make companies more likely to make the switch." notes Jan Michael Berkowitz.

    Using features drawn from jet engine design, the latest wind turbines are three times more efficient at turning the wind into electricity as opposed to today's towering, three-bladed models. Carefully shaped cowlings channel air into patterns that create spinning vortexes - like miniature tornadoes - as the currents exit the device. This accelerates the air as it passes through.

    The technology could transform the commercial wind business with units that are easier to install, longer lasting, and more adaptable to a variety of environments. Today's wind turbines can top out at 300 feet or taller, requiring a train of tractor trailers to haul tower sections and blades that are as a long as a football field. The new approach fits on a single rig, explains Jan Michael Berkowitz. "This new technology is exciting", says Jan Berkowitz. "This will certainly help my clients implement greener practices."

    Because its blades are lighter and smaller, the design starts spinning and making energy at lower wind speeds and is more tolerant of volatile wind patterns, making it a natural for windy niches where big turbines can't fit, such as in cities, on ridgelines and beaches.

    Scaled down blades also spin faster, reducing the need for the costly gear boxes that today's windmills must use to connect slow-moving rotors to a high-speed generator kits. With fewer gears and other moving parts, it can reduce the parts count in a turbine by up to 75%, thereby boosting reliability, too.

    About Jan M Berkowitz

    Jan Berkowitz provides clients the necessary information needed to identify custom solutions to weak areas within their business environment and effectively implement and embrace clean energy technology.

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