Vibration Vest Helps to Decrease Anxious Behavior in Autistic Children

Top Quote While there is no cure for autism, children who suffer from the disease can still live happy and fulfilling lives if they can find methods to cope with the anxiety that cause them to engage in disruptive and destructive behaviors. Thanks to new developments in vibroacoustic therapy, sufferers of autism may find relief from anxiety in a new device that produces deep sensory stimulation naturally. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) April 14, 2011 - By: NexNeuro

    Families with autistic children and teachers with autistic students know the challenges that come with dealing with symptoms of autism. "People with developmental disorders and mental illness are often overwhelmed in everyday environments such as school and the workplace, and solutions available to families and mental health professionals are limited," says Brian Mullen, a mental health expert who works to treat symptoms of mental illness at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    This anxiety manifests in a number of negative behaviors, such as engaging in repetitive and compulsive behaviors and inflicting self-injury be hitting their heads against walls.

    These behaviors autistic children unable to function in a normal classroom setting and they must be moved to special classes where their educational and social development is inhibited.
    But now, autism sufferers may find some relief thanks to new research into vibration and sensory stimulation therapy. Based on their vibroacoustic technology, NexNeuro has developed the "Smart Vest" - a technological breakthrough using Vibroacoustic Therapy with a mixture of tones, frequencies and binaural beats to relieve the symptoms of Autism and other neurological disorders.

    "The Smart Vest combines the physical vibrations of relaxing music with the vibrations of pulsed low frequency sine tones." says Smart Vest creator, Ed Bender. "Through sensory integration, physical vibrations of sound will relax and calm the children providing significant therapeutic effect to those with Autism."

    Vibroacoustic Therapy is a relatively new field of scientific study that is making tremendous breakthroughs in the clinical field. "The main claims of the effect of Vibroacoustic Therapy with autistic patients are that it calms and relaxes the patient, reduces their resistance to contact, and makes them more open to interaction," says Dr. Anthony Lewis Wigram, a cardiologist and internal medicine practitioner.

    The Smart Vest provides deep pressure touch stimulation (DPTS), but is unlike any other weighted vests for autistic children in that the Smart Vest is equipped with low frequency generators which produce strong sound waves for deep sensory integration. DPTS helps individuals with autism keep track of where their body is in space, reducing their anxiety, and helping to replace those potentially disruptive and destructive self-stimulating behaviors.

    Occupational therapists working with autistic children have observed that deep pressure touch stimulation increases attention to tasks while reducing anxiety and harmful behaviors. The Smart Vest with vibration produces a calming effect, increases focus and concentration on tasks, and improves sensory input while triggering the release of natural chemicals in the body known to relax the body and mind. The low frequency generators which produce strong sound waves for deep sensory integration in addition to deep pressure touch stimulation.

    "We hope the Smart Vest will safely and discretely provide the treatment autism sufferers need to function in mainstream society," says Bender, who believes the Smart Vest will move more students from special education classrooms back to regular classrooms. "Even if it is successful in reducing self-stimulatory behavior in even a small percentage of children with autism, it will greatly improve not only their lives but the lives of their teachers and family."

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