Ukraine may become one of the biggest European markets of renewable energy industry

In the next several years, the potential of Ukraine with regard to resources and industry will enable to form full-fledged domestic market of renewable energy that will become one of the biggest in Europe.
- (1888PressRelease) October 21, 2011 - 3rd International Forum on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 17-18th of October, Kyiv, InterContinental Hotel
In the next several years, the potential of Ukraine with regard to resources and industry will enable to form full-fledged domestic market of renewable energy that will become one of the biggest in Europe. This was stated by Stefan Gsänger, the Secretary-General of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), on 17th of October in Kyiv, during the opening of one of the key industry events in Eastern Europe, - 3rd International Forum on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, REF-2011 (Organizer- Renewable energy center, Fuel Alternative, co-organizer -Association of the Participants of Alternative Types of Fuel and Energy Market of Ukraine).
«Ukraine has a good potential with regard to resources, industrial capacities and attractive sector legislation. Thus, Ukrainian market of renewable energy, in particular, wind sector, is of interest for investors and it has a bright future. The list of participants is a good confirmation of that», - noted Mr Gsänger.
Due to the implementation of projects in the renewable energy sphere, in particular, in the sphere of production and consumption of alternative types of fuel, wind and also solar energy it becomes possible to reduce the gas consumption by 25 percent. It was reported by Mykola Pashkevych, the Head of the National Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation of Ukraine, during his REF-2011 speech. According to him, the main factor for a successful development of the sector is an effective interaction with investors. Because it's impossible to implement large-scale investment projects of the renewable energy sector only at the expense of the country.
«There is a great potential for the development of solar, wind and bioenergy in Ukraine. We can increase their stake in the total structure of the energy production to 30 percent», - stressed Mykola Pashkevych.
As of 17th of October, 2011, the stake of the renewable energy sources in the total energy balance amount to less than 1 percent. In particular, the total capacity of solar power stations in Ukraine amount to 60 Megawatt, capacity of working wind farms - 117.5 Megawatt, small hydropower stations - 104 Megawatt. The capacity of the heat generation objects which are based on alternative types of fuel (agrarian and wood waste) amount to approximately 64 Megawatt today.
At the same time, respected industry experts are convinced that the above showing might seriously increase in the next 4-5 years.
«KPMG company is the partner of the REF Forum in Kyiv for a second time in a row. Because Ukraine has a great potential for the development of all types of renewable energy sources - solar, wind, biomass, biofuel, geothermal and small hydro power. In case if Ukraine uses its resources, it will not only correspond to the world trend of energy development but also will be able to fully use all opportunities of the Kyoto protocol»,- stated Floris Schuring, managing partner of the KPMG company in Ukraine.
By opening the 3rd International Forum on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, the president of the Association of the Participants of Alternative Types of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, Vitaliy Daviy noted, that Ukraine has one of the most progressive legislations in the renewable energy sphere in the world that has a whole range of economic incentives for development of various projects. However, in most cases, it's hard to use the laws for industry companies due to the absence of appropriate bills that in their turn are not developed in time because of the absence of the united sector center.
« Today, for the formation of the dynamically developing sector of renewable energy in Ukraine, it's necessary to create the united sector center that will have functional capacities comparable with the ministerial ones. This will enable to get rid of many bureaucratic hurdles and essentially accelerate the implementation of projects», - stressed the Head of Association of the Participants of Alternative Types of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine.
In the work of the 3rd International Forum on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REF-2011) took part approximately 300 delegates from 28 countries. The program of the Forum included 60 reports of the best industry specialists among which are the Head of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Preservation of Ukraine Mykola Pashkevych, Deputy Head of the Russian Energy Agency of Russia Vladimir Baskov, Head of the Renewable Energy Fund of Armenia Tamaba Babayan, Secretary-General of the World Wind Association Stefan Gsänger and many others, plus top-manages of companies which are key players at the Ukrainian and international market of solar, wind, small hydro power and energy efficiency.
Among the partners of the REF-2011 conference is: ABB, REC Solar, Asov Oil Company, Activ Solar, KPMG, Beiten Burkhardt, Prenecon, Kvazar, Legal group «Dominion» and also NUSEP.\
Fuel Alternative
Renewable Energy Center Fuel Alternative
Fuel Alternative is an informational and technological core of the industry, which aims at creating an effective business platform for the development of alternative energy projects, as well as the introduction of new solutions in the energy sector. Reflection of the successful strategies of companies is the growth of their economic performance. The task of Fuel Alternative is to achieve this result for renewable energy companies as quickly as possible.
Association of the Participants of Alternative Types of Fuel and Energy Market of Ukraine
Created in September, 2009, Association sets as its target the consolidation of participants of the renewable energy market in order to accelerate the formation and development of the alternative energy and clean technologies market in Ukraine, development of an effective and progressive legal base for the sector, contribution to strengthening of Ukrainian production internationally, protection of interests of the market participants. As of 1st September, 2001 there are 25 companies which are members of the Association of the Participants of Alternative Types of Fuel and Energy Market of Ukraine.
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