THE PARADIGM OF SUCCESS By John Frame Is Published

Top Quote Fulfil Your Potential and Improve the Lives of Others. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) September 27, 2015 - About the Book : Personal success comes from taking positive action. Yet not everyone is able to take positive action and therefore they fail to meet their potential in life. Why is that? What is it that stops people from being as successful as they could be? I believe I have the answer to these questions and it is all to do with Paradigms. This is because there is a direct correlation between our paradigms and how we act and behave.

    By changing our paradigms we immediately change the way we think and act. And because we attract to ourselves what we think about, it is essential we think about, dream about and envision our future. Our paradigms attract what is required to achieve our visions and what make us successful.

    The Paradigm of Success sets out a journey towards success through having a powerful vision energised by action that is synergised by a strong sense of 'why' and 'belief' which are framed by the paradigms. It is a journey of incremental learning that when applied may empower us to make a positive difference in our own lives and in the lives of others.

    Excerpt from the book:
    "So what is success?
    I have heard it said that success is a journey, not a destination and that half the fun is getting there.

    Success can be many things, big and small. It's individualistic.

    Learning to walk, ride a bicycle, passing examinations, being part of a sports team, winning competitions, meeting new people, falling in love, raising a family, teaching your children right from wrong, living by a moral code, owning your first car, buying your own home, earning an income, starting a business, building your career, inventing something, writing a poem, a novel or lyrics for a song, treating others fairly, taking responsibility for our own actions, demonstrating we are the best in what we do, positively contributing to society, selflessly giving something back to the community, enjoying a wonderful life. These are all achievements that can be regarded as success. For many folk, just staying alive or securing something to eat each day constitutes success.

    Success derives from whatever you set out to do and by achieving the desired outcome. It is setting an objective that you wish to attain and getting the result to satisfy your desire or inner need.

    It starts with setting an objective - something to strive for.

    It starts with Vision."

    THE PARADIGM OF SUCCESS can be ordered from in paperback at:

    and downloaded in e-book format from:

    Press/Media Contact:
    Literary Agent: The Inspira Group
    Contact: Darin Jewell, Managing Director
    E-mail: darin ( @ ) theinspiragroup dot com
    Tel. 0208 292 5163

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