PREMIUM Analyse Leads In Beta-Transmitter Detection For Nuclear Sector

Top Quote PREMIUM Analyse of France, a specialist in the detection of radioactive gases, is seeking partners and buyers in the British market, more particularly for its unique range of tritium detectors. The detectors, which can be used either as fixed devices or as portable monitors, represent a genuine technological breakthrough and have applications across the nuclear industry - both civilian and military nuclear sector. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) August 26, 2010 - PREMIUM Analyse is at the cutting edge of innovation in beta-transmitter detection. The company produces and markets high-technology measuring devices designed to detect beta transmitters such as radon, krypton and tritium. Since tritium is the most difficult beta element to detect, the perfection of a complete range of tritium detectors, as both fixed and portable monitors, constitutes a major technological achievement.

    PREMIUM's innovative capacity has led it to focus on the nuclear industry - with applications that are relevant to both energy generation and the defence sector - in order to provide users with high-performance, reliable products that are constantly being developed and improved.

    Thanks to the company's complete mastery of the production process and the measurement of very low currents, the detectors developed by PREMIUM Analyse have a highly refined measuring capability. Their exceptional sensitivity enables them to detect the presence of tritium in volumes as infinitesimal as 2.5 kBq/m3, or, in the case of krypton, from 250 Bq/m3.

    The unrivalled performance of PREMIUM's detectors in terms of precision and stability combines with their speed of operation: they can perform up to eight measurements per second, with a response time of less than 20 seconds. As a result, the detectors are able to monitor phenomena in real time. The equipment developed by PREMIUM is also noticeable for its ease of implementation. Indeed, all the company's appliances can be used intuitively: they are ready to be connected, need no maintenance, and can be easily decontaminated.
    Depending on the desired sensitivity of the application concerned, measuring devices come as fixed or portable monitors, and systematically integrate an ionisation chamber, an airproof connection, a preamplifier and a digital display. The BETA IONIX detector integrates all the elements of the measuring device in a portable version and is mainly designed for radioprotection applications. The measuring devices in the DT IONIX fixed version are more particularly designed for environmental surveillance, atmospheric-emission monitoring, and process-optimisation applications.

    PREMIUM's proven track record is illustrated by the range of prestigious partners it has had over the years. For example, as part of its approach based on constant innovation, PREMIUM has been developing products in close collaboration with the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA, France's premier nuclear-research centre) at Valduc (a facility located about 45 km north of Dijon).

    The reliance on such advanced technologies means that PREMIUM receives many requests for partnership from a range of international companies and other entities. PREMIUM has, for instance, been working with ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.

    PREMIUM designs and sells products that are highly innovative and effective, which has enabled the company to be firmly and successfully positioned in a high-tech niche market. Given the nature of this specialist market, PREMIUM has few competitors, i.e. a handful of US-based and Canadian companies. The technological sophistication of PREMIUM's equipment, however, means that it has no equivalent in terms of performance, stresses the company, whose products and technology are in high demand worldwide.

    About PREMIUM Analyse

    PREMIUM Analyse is based in Norroy Le Veneur, in the French département of Moselle, in eastern France. The company was founded over 30 years ago.

    PREMIUM specialises in the analysis of gases and in nuclear devices. The company is a specialist in the detection of radioactive gases, and works with both the civilian and military nuclear sector. PREMIUM is seeking partners and buyers in the British market, more specifically for its unique range of tritium detectors.

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