- Narconono Riverbend Company News Section

Narconono Riverbend Press Release -

  • Narconon Louisiana Volunteers At The Cinderella Project Dress Giveaway in Baton Rouge
  • Narconon Louisiana shows their support for The Cinderella Project Dress Giveaway by sending volunteers to assist in this year's event set-up to ensure high school juniors and seniors find their perfect Prom dress.
  • Narconon Louisiana ( staff and students volunteered at the 5th annual Cinderella Project Dress Giveaway held at a Ba ...
  • March 30, 2012
  • Narconon Riverbend Kicks Off National Recovery Month Honoring Graduates with Long Term Recovery
  • Narconon Riverbend kicks off National Recovery Month honoring long term recovery graduates with their highly effective alcohol and drug rehab program that has more than 75% of their graduates staying clean and leading productive lives.
  • Narconon Riverbend kicks off National Recovery Month honoring graduates with long term recovery. Their highly effective alcohol and drug rehab progra ...
  • September 09, 2011