Web Sales Specialist details - Web Sales Specialist Marketing news @ WebSalesSpecialist.com Profile

"Local Internet Marketing Consultant Specializing in Putting Local Businesses on the (online) Map, Affordably"
Eric LeRiche
596 de la metairie,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3E1T2
Email: support@WebSalesSpecialist.com
Phone: 514-346-6798
Fax: 514-346-6798
Internet Marketing Consultant Specializing in Local Businesses Optimization
Focus Area
  • Advertising Marketing
  • Web sites / Internet
  • Web
  • Advertising, Public Relations & Marketing
  • Web Site Announcements
  • Teaching / Learning / Tutoring
  • Teaching / Mentoring / Coaching
  • Internet
  • Multimedia
  • Networking
Company Details
Appear Year: 2009
No. of Employees: 1
Number of Clients: 100
Map of Web Sales Specialist

What Makes us Different?
I work closely with the customers to make sure they are a part of the process since internet marketing is not a one shot deal; it's a continuous process thus the customer needs to take part in it.

Also, contrarily to most of my competitors i come from sales and marketing and happen to know the technical side of this equation whereas the other usually are geeks who TRY to sell and market you business...
Company Description
Local Internet Marketing Consultant Specializing in Putting Local Businesses on the (online) Map, Affordably.

I work closely with customers to make sure they are a part of the process since internet marketing is not a one shot deal; it's a continuous process thus the customer needs to take part in it.

Also, contrarily to most of my competitors i come from sales and marketing and happen to know the technical side of this equation whereas the other usually are geeks who TRY to sell and market you business...
Key Clients
PickYourLease.com, toutpourlimmobilier.com, pixybid.com, investorrules.com, golfclubswarehouse.com
Additional Information
As a Web Sales Specialist I can help small business owners with their sales and marketing processes on top of optimizing their website for search engines AND better sales conversion