Main trends of solar energy market development will be discussed within the 2nd International Conference"Solar energy in the CIS and Eastern Europe"

On April 11-12, 2013 in Moscow will held the 2nd International Conference & Exhibition "Solar energy in the CIS and Eastern Europe," the key business event for solar energy industry in the CIS. In the conference will participate key market players of the CIS and Eastern European such as: producers and traders equipment and photovoltaic modules, suppliers of specialized equipment and engineering companies, investors, industry experts, and representatives of governmental sector.
- (1888PressRelease) December 14, 2012 - Every year the situation for the players of the dynamic global market of solar energy is getting worse - the developed markets of the EU reduce the support of the industry and the markets are getting saturated. Market participants predict 2nd boom of solar energy and increasing the capacity in the Eurozone provoked by lowering the cost of the project. But this is going to happen in the indefinite future.
What should the solution providers, investors and developers do today? That's right, go to the East! A huge "undeveloped" territory of the former Soviet Union, where the "grain" of renewable energy industry are just beginning to sprout, can become even more stable market than saturated EU members.
First Conference was successfully held on April 5-6 in Odessa, on the Black Sea and in the region of the rapid development of the solar industry, and attracted over 150 delegates from more than 20 countries. CISOLAR-2013 is dedicated to the solar energy market and is designed to gather industry leaders and highlight the prospects and regional characteristics of solar energy projects in Eastern Europe and the CIS.
More than 200 delegates from over 15 countries to discuss the most urgent issues of the solar industry in the CIS and Eastern Europe:
• CIS and Eastern Europe - the new growth points on the map of the global solar industry
• Solar power in national programs and plans of the CIS and Eastern Europe governments
• Financing schemes, investment projects and programs for the solar energy development in the region
• Panel discussion. Connecting the solar energy objects and features of the objects operation in a grid
• Production of solar modules and components for the solar power industry in the CIS and Eastern Europe
• Successful implementation of the pv-projects in the region: what is necessary to take into account
• Trends and features of the solar industry of the CIS and Eastern Europe - how to turn them into the business benefit?
Register to participate and get more information:, tel: + 38 044 383 03 56, +7 495 983 59 38 via e-mail: conference ( @ ) rencentre dot com
IBCentre (Innovative Business Centre)
With the support of:
the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Russian Energy Agency
The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Official Edition:
CleanTech Magazine
IBCentre (Innovative Business Centre) - a fast growing research and consulting organization, focused on the theme of project development for business innovation based on clean technologies in the field of "green" business, renewable energy and energy efficiency (through the Renewable Energy Centre unit, www.rencentre. com), projects in the field of "green" marketing and sustainable business development in Eastern Europe and the CIS.
Also IBCentre (Innovative Business Centre) is the organizer highly specialized events in the sphere of new "green" markets, trends and innovation in the CIS and Eastern