Dutch-Brazilian Telecom Riklsat Enterprises Turns to Crowdfunding for Community Projects

Founder Richard Kloostra: "Crowdfunding is the only way to fund socially oriented initiatives. Banks & VC's leave running when they hear the word community."
- (1888PressRelease) March 06, 2015 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - The company still accepts traditional investing , yet believes that crowdfunding will ultimately take over their role.
Founder Richard Kloostra(RK):"Nowadays it is bon-ton to be a socially and environmentally involved company. It is easy to write it down in your publc profile. It is something entirely different if you actually mean to do what you wrote down. Once Banks and VC's (Venture Capitalists) see that you are serious about things like planting a tree for every new customer, providing free internet access points to communities that can't afford it, improving living conditions in general for the neighbourhoods where you are implementing, sharing profits with your workers, they (Banks and VC's) nod politely and bail out running.
You see the looks on their faces screaming: but that costs money; our money."
Riklsat Enterprises strives to connect the unconnected in Brazil to the internet.
[RK]:"We believe the internet to be the 21st century fishing rod; the portal to self-education and
to earning a decent living. The internet is the tool to create equal opportunities ."
By providing the infrastructure and some base services like hosting, using a cost-effective and highly efficient hotspot system of the German firm Brown-Iposs, Riklsat can offer higher bandwith for the same price, even in remote locations, where now there is no internet at all.
Anatel, Brazil's telecom law enforcer, stated that there are still 38 million households not connected to broadband internet (june 2014), and that with the current growth rate it will take untill 2030 to connect them all.
[RK]:"We are a type of hybrid company. We make a profit, but use that profit in a social way. We all know that if we want to have a planet to live on in the future, we have to attend to the world's current inequity. It is a tough battle, but it needs to be fought.
If we do not get a handle on the greed, we are heading straight for the edge of the cliff. Don't take my word for it, look at modernizers like Nick Hanauer, Ricardo Semler. They have implemented concepts like organization 2.0 which democratizes the company."
Crowdfunding still is a relatively new concept, but more and more people are discovering that it can break the paradigm that you need to be rich to make a difference.
[RK]:"An old dutch saying applies here: Vele handen maken licht werk; Many hands make work easier"
Press Contact:
Richard Kloostra
Riklsat Enterprises Nederland B.V.
Andries Vierlinghstraat 5-H 1065CP Amsterdam The Netherlands
+31 20 893 2409