District 25 Toastmasters to Hold Special Spring Conference

Toastmasters District 25 to Ignite the Flame in May with Distinguished Speakers and Special Workshops.
- (1888PressRelease) April 14, 2012 - Fort Worth, TX: Toastmasters International's District 25, which includes a major portion of North Texas from Dallas to Abilene and the Red River to Killeen, will host a stellar Spring Conference at the DFW Sheraton on May 4th and 5th. The theme, in keeping with this being an Olympic year, is "Ignite the Flame". There will even be a Toga contest to enhance the festivities.
Toastmasters come from all walks of life, united by a common goal to achieve their dreams and help others to do the same. A great part of the Toastmaster's experience is positive and encouraging guidance for each member so they may strive for more effective communication and leadership skills. In the fall, District 25 held a conference at the same location with the theme "Let It Shine". Toastmasters were encouraged to set personal and club level goals, and to work towards reaching them by the Spring Conference.
The glow will now burst into a flame of success for many of those Toastmasters who have reached varying levels of achievement within the organization. Goals range from Competent Communicator up to the elite Distinguished Toastmasters and President Distinguished clubs. This conference will be the standing ovation at the end of jobs well done.
An awards luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 5th to honor those Toastmasters within District 25 who have reached their stated goals in education, leadership and marketing, as well as in public speaking. The keynote speaker will be WFAA sports anchor Dale Hansen, to whom the District has awarded their distinguished Communication and Leadership Award for outstanding service to the DFW community.
This will be a special conference for all participants. Over 130 area clubs have been competing in hilariously creative Tall Tales speeches and what is known as the International speech, which is often more inspirational in nature. Winners in each of the participating clubs have advanced through area and division competitions. The final step is the District level contest. On May 4th and May 5th, the top finalists in each division will compete. The district winner in the International Speech category has the potential to move on to the worldwide Toastmasters International contest to be held in Orlando, Florida this August.
Toastmasters International promotes leadership development and public speaking skills. Pertinent educational workshops are an essential part of the conference. This year, several of the workshop leaders are influential citizens from the DFW community outside of Toastmasters, such as the Boy Scouts of America. Categories will be in Communication, Leadership and Personal Growth. Some of the topics will include "Pop with Props", "Leaders: Nature or Nurture", "You are Either Growing or Dying", and "Sailing the Winds of Change".
In order for everyone to participate, there are several price levels ranging from a one day pass for $40.00 to the full two days including catered meals for $150.00. There are discounts given for registrations received before April 23rd. For more information about the conference, to find a local club near you, or to learn about Toastmasters in general, you may log onto www.d25toastmasters.com.