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  • Cannes Lions 2022: throwback from DecenterAds
  • Why do creativity festivals matter for the advertisers, what to look for at these events, and which learnings did Cannes Lions 2022 grant us? DecenterAds, a company that provides Demand- and Supply Side Platforms for partners from all over the world, shares its learnings from attending the top creativity festival of the year.
  • By Decenterads - December 03, 2022
  • DecenterAds Attended DMEXCO 2022
  • Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference, or DMEXCO, is a leading digital marketing & tech event in Europe. This year, it was held on September 20 & 21 in Cologne, Germany. DecenterAds spent two insightful days at the conference.
  • By Decenterads - October 25, 2022