12th Annual Arizona Historic Preservation Conference Heading To Rio Rico, June 2014

Top Quote The 12th Annual Arizona Historic Preservation Conference will take place at the Esplendor Resort at Rio Rico, June 11-13, 2014, emphasizing the theme "Economic Engines of Preservation." End Quote
  • Phoenix-Mesa, AZ (1888PressRelease) September 11, 2013 - This annual conference will draw hundreds from around the country and abroad to explore various aspects of historic preservation that include archaeology, architecture, city planning, rural economic development, sustainability, sense of place, cultural resource management, commercial and residential structure preservation and rehabilitation, archival research, historic photography, cultural tourism, project management, funding sources, and legislation updates. The speaker line-up consists of scholars, consultants, architects, archaeologists, city planners, authors, government officials, legislators, and historians.

    This year the preservation community will analyze not only how historic preservation and sustainability function jointly as an economic engine, but also how they benefit as a result of other economic catalysts. Through case studies, white papers, and project management examples from businesses, communities, and government agencies, presenters will demonstrate how preservation efforts affect the economy through cultural tourism, economic development, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, revitalization, job creation and much more, emphasizing the fundamental business case for historic preservation. These success stories drive and inspire preservationists to continue their efforts to preserve the need for historic and cultural heritage.

    The Preservation Awards will be the focal event of the conference. The 32nd Annual Governor's Heritage Preservation Honor Awards, presented by the State Historic Preservation Office and the Arizona Preservation Foundation, recognize people, organizations, and projects that represent outstanding achievements in preserving Arizona's prehistoric and historic resources. The 28th Annual Governor's Awards in Public Archaeology are also presented at the event. These awards, selected by the Governor's Archaeology Advisory Commission, recognize excellence in archaeological awareness, conservation and education. The awards make the conference more than a venue to learn, debate and network, but also a celebration of outstanding historic preservation efforts and achievements.

    A Call for Presenters and Sessions, domestic and international, will be available in October, 2013 and will continue through February 1, 2014. Presenters, and session and panel discussion leaders are encouraged to submit a proposal for presentations relating to historic preservation's best practices, project management successes, preservation action plans, economic development, sustainability, archaeological implications and issues, new preservation funding sources, newly approved preservation techniques, forward-thinking programs, and so forth as they relate to the theme of "Economic Engines of Preservation." Visit www.azpreservation.com for more information and to submit a presentation proposal.

    The annual Arizona Historic Preservation Conference is developed and orchestrated jointly by Arizona State Parks, the (AZ) State Historic Preservation Office, the National Park Service, the Arizona Preservation Foundation, the Arizona Historical Society, and the Arizona Archaeological Council. The host city partner for 2014 is Rio Rico / Nogales, Arizona. The conference is underwritten by Arizona State Parks, the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Park Service, the City of Nogales, the Esplendor Resort at Rio Rico, and the Arizona Lottery.

    The conference actively seeks sponsors and financial partners who have a vested interest in the historic preservation movement and industry. For sponsorship and partnership information, please contact questions ( @ ) azpreservation dot com. Conference registration information will be available online at www.azpreservation.com and will begin January 2014. Also visit www.facebook.com/AzHistoricPreservationConference and Twitter #AZPreservation for continual newsfeeds.

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