
Results Show That Targeted Mailings are Fifteen Times More Effective Than Mass Mailings for Associations

Top Quote This describes how targeted marketing is much more effective than mass marketing/direct marketing and includes proven results. Mass marketing typically achieves a one-percent response rate while targeted marketing with the YTheyJoin system achieves response rates that are typically fifteen times higher. End Quote
  • Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV (1888PressRelease) September 21, 2009 - From the desk of Dr. Dale Paulson, President of Allegiance Research Group, Alexandria, Virginia. Our findings show that target marketing, even when using snail mail, can be fifteen times as effective as mass mailings, or more.

    Recently, a large mass-mail company conducted a study of the effectiveness of mass marketing/direct mail to prospective members in the past three years and found the following: one to three mailings showed a response rate of 1.3 percent; four to seven mailings, 1.2 percent; and eight to ten mailings, less than 1 percent.

    I suppose this demonstrates that you should use less mass mailings but my question is “With such abysmally low response rates, why do mass mailings all?”

    It is marginally successful, wastes money, and turns off the large majority of people who receive the mailing and throw your brand into the trash basket. If this doesn’t give you pause, think of the wasted trees.

    Contrast this with a strategic, targeted mailing to lapsed members that Allegiance Research Group did for an association. These members were considered lapsed after they failed to respond to four mass mailings by the association. Then the association asked us to apply our YTheyJoin™ system to this problem. I invented this system to identify nine types of members based on their professional needs rather than traditional demographic categories.

    For example, Cognoscenti want specialized info not available elsewhere, and Altruistics believe in your mission and want a legislative voice.

    Fortunately, when these lapsed members belonged to the association they had completed the YTheyJoin form where we identified their member-type. We used this information to write different letters for each member type and, after receiving one targeted letter, many joined the association again. Here are the results. Note that the results are much higher than the one-percent results from mass mailings which are cold and impersonal and treat everyone the same.

    Shapers 23 percent renewed; Relevant Participants 20 percent renewed; Altruistics 13 percent renewed; Cognoscenti 12 percent renewed; Mailboxer 8 percent renewed; Boosters 6 percent renewed; and Other Three Categories 11% renewed.

    Mass mailings are so 1990’s – spend spend/waste waste! Free Offer - If you want to see how YTheyJoin would work for your association, contact us and we will code 100 of your members at no charge. Please note that YTheyJoin and the names of the nine member segments are trademarks of Allegiance Research Group.

    For more info e-mail AllegianceResearch ( @ ) gmail dot com or call 703-772-5362 dot

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