
Zeus Radio Launches

Top Quote Shag Dance and Carolina Beach Music may be considred a regional culture by some, but folks around the world are tuning in to End Quote
  • Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC (1888PressRelease) July 25, 2011 - is a Social Radio Network. It is the fourth such network launched by a division of Zeus Media Network, LLC. Social Radio Networks combine social networks and internet radio for a unique offering that has proven to be effective web media.

    Those who visit ShagCityUSA are treated to dance lessons, forum discussions, blogs, an events calendar, photos, and 24/7 shag dance and Carolina beach music. The site also offers listings for over 100 shag clubs including contact and other information.

    "We wanted to create a central gathering place for shag dance and Carolina beach music enthusiasts", said Jeff Gilder of Zeus Media Network. "Combining the SEO and social benefits of this type of site will attract folks to the events calendar, and other features on the network. While there, they can listen to one of the most extensive collections of shag dance and Carolina beach music available." Gilder believes this service is badly needed and will help to advance the music and dance beyond its current cultural boundaries.

    It is apparent the demand was there. In its first three weeks became the top station on Zeus Radio and is growing daily. Site analytics indicate regular visitation from hundreds of cities around the world.

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