
World Vaping Day

Top Quote Thursday March 22nd, 2012 - people are gathering all around the world to celebrate the invention of the electronic cigarette. There are meetings, promotions, giveaways and beginner tutorials to help introduce others to this new alternative to smoking. You can find out more at: End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) March 21, 2012 - Let's celebrate the first World Vaping Day - a worldwide event recognising the phenomenal success of the new alternative to smoking!

    All around the world, countries are organising special events taking place on the 22nd.

    What Are E-Cigarettes ?
    Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are the new answer to smoking, an evolution of a recreation that is enjoyed by billions of people all across the world - without the 5,300 chemicals identified so far in cigarette smoke. All e-cigarettes produce is a cool water-based mist that has far less potential for harm.

    Are they safe ?
    We know exactly what is in them - the main ingredients are used in asthma inhalers and the nebulisers used by lung transplant patients, and have been studied for 70 years without any evidence of harm. See all the quotes from professors of medicine backing e-cigarettes on the World Vaping Day website.

    By 2013, 6% of smokers in some countries will have converted to an e-cigarette. Expert medical advisers tell us that people who switch are likely to have about the same risk as people who totally quit.

    E-Cigarettes are the #1 weapon against smoking-related death and disease
    info ( @ ) world-vaping-day dot com

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