
Treating ADHD Symptoms Without Medication: Free Special Report Examines Alternative ADHD Treatments

Top Quote In this free expert handbook, ADDitude magazine’s top scientific advisors investigate and explain non-drug therapies -- including fish oil, behavior therapy, working-memory training, green time and neurofeedback -- that may relieve ADHD symptoms in children and adults with ADHD. Download this free report to learn how nutrition, exercise and supplements can help treat ADHD symptoms. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) July 01, 2008 - ADDitude magazine, the leading publication for families and adults living with attention deficit disorder (ADHD), today released an expert report on the non-medical treatment of ADHD symptoms in children and adults. Top ADHD doctors and treatment specialists contributed to the free "ADDitude Guide to Alternative ADHD Treatment" (, which investigates and clearly explains the benefits and risks of alternative, non-medical ADHD therapies like fish-oil supplements.

    For the nearly 2 million parents of American children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD ADHD), Adderall, Strattera and Ritalin are household names – familiar and well-documented treatments for ADHD symptoms. Alternative ADHD treatments like neurofeedback, working-memory treatment and omega-3 fatty acids may be less recognizable, but are they any less effective in combating ADHD symptoms like hyperfocus, distractibility and impulsivity?

    The "ADDitude Guide to Alternative ADHD Treatment" – available for free at – aims to answer this question through trusted ADHD treatment information compiled by ADDitude’s scientific advisory board and editorial staff. Together they interviewed top industry experts on, for example, strategies for using behavior therapy in conjunction with or before trying ADHD medications to improve symptoms in children with ADHD.

    Top ADHD doctors also recommend omega-3 fatty acids to sharpen mental focus, and explain the ideal balance of EPA and DHA in fish-oil supplements. And they present balanced descriptions of neurofeedback and working-memory treatment -- the brain exercises that promise reduced impulsivity and increased attentiveness in kids with ADHD symptoms.

    Finally, the ADDitude treatment report outlines ways that ADHD children and adults can change their diet and daily exercise regime to decrease ADHD symptoms and improve executive functions like sequencing, working memory, prioritizing, and sustaining attention.

    In this age of cult diets and As-Seen-on-TV miracle cures, trusted information like ADDitude’s is more important than ever for parents of children with ADHD and for adults with ADD trying to separate legitimate alternative therapies from sometimes-dangerous scams and determine how they can work in concert with traditional medications for the greatest treatment impact.

    For interview opportunities with ADDitude editor Wayne Kalyn or more information about this free Alternative ADHD Treatment report, please contact:

    Wayne Kayln
    wayne ( @ ) newhopemedia dot com

    To view the "ADDitude Guide to Alternative ADHD Treatment," please visit

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