
Lead Or Follow - Just Follow Our Lead

Top Quote There is a new group that has emerged that is taking the Internet Marketing Industry by storm. This group has leveled the playing field by giving new internet marketers the basic steps needed to truely earn a income from working from home. End Quote
  • El Paso, TX (1888PressRelease) February 01, 2008 - A new group has emerged on the horizon that is beginning to take shape in the world of Internet Marketing. Unlike most groups, this one has a proven track record. Many people have not heard of it and most are not sure what exactly to think of it. The funny thing about his group is that their methods are not some trickery or special hype of hocus-pocus. It is all about the basics.

    This new group, although truly not so new, is called Follow Our Lead. Veteran Internet marketer, Derek Bohlken, founded the team. Under his guidance, the team has grown to over 400 members actively participating in building online income for its members through various basic marketing techniques and programs. Bohlken started the group after experiencing what many Internet marketers have experienced after a company he was promoting suddenly decided to not offer commissions and later to finally close. The end result was the formation of the Follow Our Lead team or FOL for short.

    The team behind Follow Our Lead has assisted in generating over 100 million dollars in sales for their clients or members, making them one of the leaders in the industry for interactive online marketing solutions since 2001.

    The Follow Our Lead team is comprised of internet marketers, business entrepreneurs, skilled communicators and individuals who are also new to the industry but have a driving force for learning and moving forward in life. Frankly, it doesn't matter what area of the internet you look at, including the most successful internet marketers, they didn't do it alone, they understand what most fortune 500 company owners understand, that networking with like-minded people with common goals and aspirations creates a powerful momentum that pulls everyone forward. It's the collective power of teamwork and leadership that makes what FOL does work and builds success after success.

    FOL offers Products, Training and Services to assist people in succeeding with their online projects, no matter what arena they pursue. They do this with TEAM and LEADERSHIP concepts knowing that if YOU succeed using their Products, Training and Services, then they all succeed. Success builds Success.

    Follow Our Lead has a strategy to insure a clear view of the individuals objectives, while having a clear view of any potential competitors so the individual can have a strategy to create sustainable advantage over perceived obstacles. This is backed by experience of the collective group and sufficient support to execute individual and team strategies.

    FOL follows three steps in their action plan:

    #1: Provide 30-days taking action training.

    #2: FOL does not put all its eggs in one basket. FOL promotes more than one business opportunity.

    #3: Mentoring and Leadership - Follow Our Lead members have access to both a personal mentor as well as the Follow Our Lead Leadership Group.

    The Follow Our Lead program is based on empowering people through knowledge, in addition to providing quality tools and services at affordable prices, they offer the opportunity to create long-term residual income.

    When FOL team member Dale Fildes of was asked how being involved with FOL could make a difference in someone’s life, he explained, “The Follow Our Lead team brings peace and understanding to any Internet Marketer. There is an information overload that occurs when a person is trying to earn an income online. FOL brings you back to the basics and teaches you the true steps of succeeding without the hype and technical requirements that most programs require. FOL keeps it in simple terms for the average person to succeed. Attending one of their online meeting or training sessions will open your eyes to FOL’s successful teaching concept”.

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