
Just An Old-fashioned Girl - Birth Of A Retro Web Site

Top Quote - a new web site with no gimmicks, no special effects, so no chance? For those who value simplicity, however, this site might be the answer. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) November 20, 2006 - France. 19 November 2006. There is a new web site now out there, lurking in internet cyberspace. I say 'new' but in many respects it is very old-fashioned. No audio, no video, no moving pictures. No special landing pages or multiple newsletter sign-up forms. No excitable language. just plain old English.

    This is Like an unfashionable young woman at a dance, a waiting wallflower, Mizzmouse is shyly positioned, somewhere out there, waiting for Prince Charming, in the shape of visitors. She is not for a moment expecting a prince from Google-land or from the kingdom of Yahoo to find her, but visitors who will appreciate her sterling worth, albeit presented in homely fashion, would be very welcome indeed.

    Anyone who enjoys articles (both humorous and serious), decent book reviews, great posters, poetry and a very occasional newsletter will feel at home here. If you're looking for high pressure salesmanship and lots of hype, Mizzmouse is not for you.

    Mizzmouse may be too small, plain and old-fashioned to succeed in an internet world where MySpace, YouTube and other massively popular sites abound. However, against all the odds, her owner, ever the cock-eyed optimist, believes that she will, perhaps, find her own small corner.

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